The civil service veterinaries were the first students of Halkalı Agricultural School. The first 25 students who were admitted in 1889, continued their education in the Civil Service Health School (Tıbbıye-i Mülkiye Mektebi) in Ahırkapı. 19 of those students were transferred back to the schol Halkalı in 1891, when the construction works had just been completed.
The official opening ceremony for the school was made on 13 October 1892 by Ziraat Bank Manager Celal Bey. In the same ceremony, Mehmet Akif Ersoy and Sir Agadon were awarded presents for their top performances in their classes.
The school’s name at the time was Halkalı Ziraat ve Baytar Mekteb-i Alisi. Mehmet Ali Bey was appointed as the first principal of the school. İstirati Efendi was appointed as the second principal and Zagaryan Efendi was appointed as the Farm Principal. An Agricultural Technical Commission was formed by gathering five branches together. Aran Efendi was appointed as the chairman for the commission. The branch directors were Agadon Efendi, Mashar Bey, Vahan Bey and Mehmet Ali Bey.